The Primary Industries Climate Challenges Centre (PICCC) was originally launched in February 2011, as a research centre addressing the impacts of a changing climate on agriculture. The biophysical and policy impacts of a changing climate are likely to be far-reaching for Australian agriculture, placing substantial pressure on an industry operating in an already-complex and climatically variable environment.

There remains a significant need for new knowledge to ensure the primary industries are well placed to respond to these challenges and opportunities. An integrated and collaborative approach to research, development and extension is required to make the best use of limited resources. PICCC aims to advance the long term sustainability of Australia’s food and fibre production through knowledge generation and sharing, and capacity building.

The Centre provides leadership and increased capacity to undertake research, development and education related to climate change and the primary industries.


To provide national leadership through research, development, education, partnerships and knowledge management and to build the capacity of primary industries to manage risks and opportunities from climate change.


The objectives are to undertake an integrated program of research that improves understanding of climate change and variability impacts; develops more effective adaptation, mitigation and associated policy options; and addresses the integration of farm, landscape and community issues, by:

  1. Generating new knowledge through world class research, development, education and policy analysis;
  2. Building research capacity through the support and promotion of postgraduate and postdoctoral researchers; and
  3. Informing debate and building policy, industry and community capacity through strong knowledge management and adoption activities.