
Country and Climate Yarning Circle 2022

From 12 to 16 September 2022 the Country and Climate Yarning Circle, a land and climate symposium, wove stories from scientific practice, First Nations knowledge and on-Country practice, knowledge and actions toward a safe and sustainable climate for our planet as a way to inform, inspire and empower the audience. Brought to audiences by The Desert Song Festival and supported by the University of Melbourne (Melbourne Climate Futures and The Primary Industries Climate Challenges Centre - PICCC), the event was part of the 10-day experience of music, art, conversations and cultural experiences in and around Mparntwe-Alice Springs. Choirs, singers, musicians, climate scientists, Indigenous knowledge-keepers and practitioners fostered a genuine interaction between Climate Science, Indigenous Knowledge and the Arts.
Visit the dedicated webpage to the view the collaborators, program and recorded presentations from the event.

AGFACE workshop presentations

Scientists from Australia and overseas gathered in Melbourne in May 2014 to discuss the impacts on crop production of rising levels carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

The two-day workshop hosted by the Primary Industries Climate Challenges Centre examined how the elevated carbon dioxide levels predicted for 2050 will affect crop nutrition, plant breeding, grain quality and pest and disease threats.

The presentations delivered as part of the workshop program are available to download below.

For more information on the outputs of the event please contact us.

2014 Think Tank presentations

The PICCC Think Tank on the sustainable intensification of agriculture was held on the 30 September at the Melbourne Business School. The event attracted 94 delegates, including more than 50 scientists. There was also good representation from a number of farmers, industry, policy, consultants and farm advisers.

To force a quantum leap in our thinking around the future of agriculture, we challenged our UoM and DEPI scientist speakers to address the question:

It is now 2050 and we are looking back at the past 35 years to identify the key innovations, research, policies and practices adopted by industry that have allowed us to increase agricultural productivity, without increasing our impact on the environment or further degrading the natural resource base. In other words, we have achieved sustainable intensification.

Presentations were made by PICCC researchers on their vision for the meat, dairy, horticulture and grains industries in 2050. A final theme presentation covered the economic and water challenges likely to impact the sector as a whole. 

The presentations delivered as part of the workshop program are available to download below.

For more information on the outputs of the event please contact us.