Southern livestock adaptation publications

A bibliographic survey of research publications produced by the Southern Livestock Adaptation project.

For more recent research papers on these topics see the whole farm systems analysis publications page.

Peer-reviewed journal papers


Bell M, Eckard R, Harrison M, Neal J, Cullen B (2013). Effect of warming on the productivity of perennial ryegrass and kikuyu pastures in south-eastern Australia. Crop and Pasture Science 64, 61–70.

Browne N, Kingwell R, Behrendt R, Eckard R (2013). The relative profitability of different farming systems in southeast Australia under selected rainfall and price scenarios, and their vulnerability to climate change. Agricultural Systems 117, 35-44.


Bell M, Cullen B, Eckard R (2012). The influence of climate, soil and pasture type on productivity and greenhouse gas emissions intensity of modelled beef cow-calf grazing systems in southern Australia. Animals, 2: 540–558. doi:10.3390/ani2040540

Bell MJ, Cullen BR, Johnson IR, Eckard RJ (2012). Modelling nitrogen losses from sheep grazing systems with different spatial distributions of excreta. Agriculture 2(4), 282-294. doi:10.3390/agriculture2040282

Bell MJ, Eckard RJ, Cullen BR (2012). The effect of future climate scenarios on the balance between productivity and greenhouse gas emissions from a sheep grazing system. Livestock Science 147, 126-138. 

Christie K, Gourley C, Rawnsley R, Eckard R, Awty I (2012). Whole-farm systems analysis of Australian dairy farm greenhouse gas emissions. Animal Production Science, 52: 998–1011.

Cowie A, Eckard R, Eady S (2012). Greenhouse gas accounting for inventory, emissions trading and life cycle assessment in the land-based sector: a review. Crop and Pasture Science 63(3), 284-296.

Cullen BR, Eckard RJ, Rawnsley RP (2012). Resistance of pasture production to projected climate changes in south-eastern Australia. Crop and Pasture Science 63, 77-86. doi:10.1071/CP11274

Eckard R, Kelly A, Barlow S (2012). Epilogue – Future challenges for the national climate change research strategy. Crop and Pasture Science 63(3), 297-301.

Hayman P, Rickards L, Eckard R, Lemerle D (2012). Climate change through the farming systems lens: challenges and opportunities for farming in Australia. Crop and Pasture Science 63(3), 203-214.

Henry B, Charmley E, Eckard R, Gaughan JB, Hegarty R (2012). Livestock production in a changing climate: adaptation and mitigation research in Australia. Crop and Pasture Science 63(3), 191-202.

Johnson I, France J, Thornley J, Bell M, Eckard R (2012). A generic model of growth, energy metabolism, and body composition for cattle and sheep. Journal of Animal Science, jas.2011–5053. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-5053


Browne N, Eckard RJ, Behrendt R, Kingwell R (2011). A comparative analysis of greenhouse gas emissions from agricultural enterprises in south eastern Australia. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 166-167, 641-652. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2011.04.045

Christie KM, Rawnsley RP, Eckard RJ (2011). A whole farm systems analysis of the greenhouse gas emissions of 60 Tasmanian dairy farms. Animal Feed Science and Technology 166-167, 653-662. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2011.04.046

Cullen BR, Eckard RJ (2011). Impacts of future climate scenarios on the balance between productivity and total greenhouse gas emissions from pasture-based dairy systems in south-eastern Australia. Animal Feed Science and Technology 166-167, 721-735. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2011.04.051

Eckard RJ, Cullen BR (2011). Impacts of future climate scenarios on N2O emissions from pasture-based dairy systems in south eastern Australia. Animal Feed Science and Technology 166-167, 736-748. doi:10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2011.04.052


Chen D, Li Y, Kelly K, Eckard R (2010). Simulation of N2O emissions from an irrigated dairy pasture treated with urea and urine in south eastern Australia. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 136, 333-342. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2009.12.007

Refereed conference papers


Bell MJ, Cullen BR, Eckard RJ (2011). Effect on nitrogen losses from a sheep grazing system by the randomised distribution of excreta. 2011 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 2011), Perth, Western Australia, 12-16 December 2011.

Bell MJ, Cullen BR, Eckard RJ (2011). The production of perennial ryegrass and kikuyu pastures in south-eastern Australia under warmer and drier future climate scenarios. 2011 International Congress on Modelling and Simulation (MODSIM 2011), Perth, Western Australia, 12-16 December 2011.

Johnson IR (2011). Testing and evaluating large-scale agricultural simulation models. Keynote address, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth, Australia, 12-16 December 2011.


Clark H, Eckard R (2010). Mitigating methane in a systems context. Meeting the Challenges for Pasture-Based Dairying , Australasian Dairy Science Symposium 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand, August 2010. 

Book chapters

Bell MJ, Eckard RJ, Pryce J (2012). Chapter 3: Breeding dairy cows to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. DOI:10.5772/50395 In: Livestock Production, Khalid Javed (Ed.), InTech Publishing, Croatia, October 2012, ISBN 978-953-51-0814-6

Bell MJ, Eckard RJ (2012). Reducing enteric methane losses from ruminant livestock – its measurement, prediction and the influence of diet. DOI:10.5772/50394. In: Livestock Production, K Javed (Ed.). InTech Publishing: Croatia, October 2012, ISBN 978-953-51-0814-6

de Klein CAM, Eckard RJ, van der Weerden TJ (2010). Chapter 6: Nitrous oxide emissions from the nitrogen cycle in livestock agriculture: estimation and mitigation. In: Nitrous oxide and climate change, Keith Smith (Ed.), Earthscan Publications, University of Edinburgh, UK., May 2010. ISBN 978-1-84407-757-1. pp 107-144.

Eckard RJ, Bell M, Christie K, Rawnsley R (2012). Livestock. In: Living in a warmer world, J Salinger (Ed.), Bateman Publishing, Auckland, ISBN 9781869538408.

Lane P, Cullen BC, Bell M, Christie K, Rawnsley R, Eckard RJ (2012). Grasslands. In: Living in a warmer world, J Salinger (Ed.), Bateman Publishing, Auckland, ISBN 9781869538408.

Conference papers


Browne NA, Behrendt R, Kingwell RS, Eckard RJ (2012). Comparing greenhouse gas emissions and farm profit on sheep, beef, dairy and grain farms in south west Victoria. Proceedings of the 2nd Joint Conference of the New Zealand and Australian Societies of Animal Production. Lincoln University, Lincoln, New Zealand, 2-5 July 2012. Download above.

Browne NA, Kingwell RS, Behrendt R, Eckard RJ (2012). Comparing the profitability of sheep, beef, dairy and grain farms in south west Victoria under different rainfall scenarios. Proceedings of the 56th Australian Agricultural and Resource Economics Society annual conference, Fremantle, Western Australia, February 7-10 2012. Download above.

Christie KM, Rawnsley RP, Cullen BR, Bell M, Eckard RJ (2012). Predicted frequency of wet and dry soil conditions in Tasmanian dairy regions under future climate scenarios. 16th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, 14-18 October 2012, Armidale, NSW. Conference paper.

Christie KM, Rawnsley RP, Cullen BR, Bell M, Eckard RJ (2012). Timing of autumn breaks and length of springs in Tasmanian dairy regions under future climate scenarios. 16th Australian Society of Agronomy Conference, 14-18 October 2012, Armidale, NSW. Conference paper.

Cullen BR, Rawnsley RP, Eckard RJ, Christie K and Bell MJ (2012). Climate change impact and adaptation in pasture-based agriculture. 2012 National Climate Change Adaptation Conference (NCCARF), 26-28 June 2012, Melbourne, Victoria. View poster abstract in conference handbook.

Moate PJ, Williams SRO, Deighton MH, Wales WJ (2012). A comparison between wheat or maize grain fed as a high proportion of the diet on milk production and methane emissions from dairy cows. Proceedings of the 5th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium Nov. 13-15, Melbourne, Australia. pp 452-453.


Bell MJ, Cullen BR, Christie KM, Rawnsley RP, Eckard RJ (2011). Is the variability of seasonal pasture growth patterns changing? Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Grassland Society of Southern Australia Inc conference, Hamilton, Victoria, 2-3 June 2011. Download above.

Cullen BR, Bell MJ, Christie KM, Rawnsley RP, Eckard RJ (2011). Trends in annual pasture production and its variability. Proceedings of the 2011 Annual Grassland Society of Southern Australia Inc conference, Hamilton, Victoria, 2-3 June 2011. Download above.

Cullen BR, Eckard RJ (2011). Resilience surfaces for pasture production under climate change scenarios. Proceedings of the CCRSPI Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 15-17 February 2011, presentation and audio.

Eckard RJ, Barlow E (2011). Can we achieve net reductions in greenhouse gas emissions and meet global food demand? Proceedings of the CCRSPI Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 15-17 February 2011, presentation and audio.

Rawnsley RP, Christie KM, Cullen BC, Eckard RJ (2011). Adapting to increases in mean daily temperature by increasing the heat tolerance of perennial ryegrass. Proceedings of the CCRSPI Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 15-17 February 2011.Download abstract above.

Rawnsley RP, Cullen BC, Christie KM, Eckard RJ (2011). An historical analysis of the changes in pasture production, growing season and the number of wet and dry days in three dairy regions of South East Australia. Proceedings of the CCRSPI Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 15-17 February 2011, presentation and audio.

Rawnsley RP, Eckard RJ, Cullen BC, Christie KM (2011). Modelling approaches to adapting pasture based dairy systems to a changing climate in a carbon constrained world. Proceedings of the CCRSPI Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 15-17 February 2011. 

Rawnsley RP, Christie KM, Cullen BC, Eckard RJ (2011). Effect of deficit rainfall and rooting depth of perennial ryegrass on pasture production in South East Australia. Proceedings of the CCRSPI Conference, Melbourne, Victoria, 15-17 February 2011. 


Cullen B, Rawnsley R, Eckard R (2010). Adapting pasture-based dairy systems to future climates. 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference (NCCARF). Download above.

Cullen BR, Rawnsley RP, Snow VO (2010). Repositioning the forage base for dairy production in a volatile and risky climate. In “Meeting the challenges for pasture-based dairying. Proceedings of the 4th Australasian Dairy Science Symposium”. (Eds GR Edwards, RH Bryant) pp. 144-150. Lincoln University, Christchurch.

Eckard RJ (2010). Abatement options for nitrogen fertiliser. Proceedings of the AFSA/FIFA annual conference. September 2010. Australian Fertiliser Services Association. Fertiliser News, 34 (9), 21-23. 

Eckard RJ (2010). Copenhagen, CRPS and beyond - What does carbon trading means for growers? Proceedings of the 2010 New South Wales GRDC Grains Research Update, Wagga Wagga, Ballarat and Adelaide. ORM PO Box 189, Bendigo, Victoria, 3550. pp 89-93.

Soste L, Chaffe R, Griffin D, Kelly S, Handley S, Eckard R (2010). Scenarios, stakeholders and systemic regional adaptation planning. 2010 International Climate Change Adaptation Conference NCCARF.

Unpublished papers (in preparation or review)

Cullen BR, Rawnsley RP, Eckard RJ, Bell MJ, Christie K. The need to adapt forage species to a changing climate in pasture based agriculture. Climate Change (in preparation). Download above.

Johnson IR, Eckard RJ. Modelling greenhouse gas dynamics in Australian pastures. Animal Production (in preparation). Download above.